Two Towns destroyed
In the autumn of 1943 the town of Recco, on the Ligurian coast, suffers a series of devastating bombardments during World War II. Twenty-seven years before, always in Autumn, another touristic locality had suffered the same fate: Ponte di Legno, shelled by Austro-Hungarian cannons.

The Twinning today
The two towns recognize each other in the grief caused by the war’s destruction and the strength of will with which they strived to rebuild their houses. And so for more than fifty years (although the official sanctioning came only in 2003) every Winter the people of Ponte di Legno sent a Christmas tree to Recco, andevery Palm Sunday the townsfolk of Recco sent to Ponte di Legno the traditional woven palms of the Ligurian coast.

Culinary twinnings
The twinning influenced also the culinary arts, so much so that the typical cheese focaccia of Recco is now widespread among Ponte di Legno’s bakeries during the Eastern time.